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How Can I Control CrashPlan’s Backup App from Another Computer?

Crashplan's reinforcement control application and motor are dead easy to design and control from the machine they're running on, however controlling them over the system oblige some well shrouded traps. 

You folks appear to make sense of any issue a peruser pitches at you, so here goes. I had this incredible thought to spare cash on a Crashplan account by purchasing a solitary client account rather than a huge old family arrange pack, yet I may have run into a hiccup. 


Here was my arrangement: Get Crashplan record, introduce Crashplan on an old desktop machine in the cellar, have all my machines reinforcement to the old desktop, and afterward have that old desktop transfer everything to Crashplan. Presently here's the hiccup. I need to run the old desktop machine headless and remote control the Crashplan customer for those uncommon time I have to roll out any improvements. The issue is I can't discover a solitary setting to permit me to do so. When I introduce Crashplan on my home office machine the main occurrence of Crashplan I can control is the nearby one. Is there an approach to control the Crashplan motor introduced on the old desktop turned reinforcement server? 


Crashplan Tweaking 

Well incredible personalities absolutely think much the same. You're setting out on a reinforcement streamlining excursion we ourselves embraced a couple of years back. Before you leave too far on the adventure we would like to call attention to one little hiccup you'll encounter. 

Crashplan's reinforcement application will cheerfully run on your home server yet it won't reinforcement Crashplan files made on different machines. This system is hard coded into the Crashplan customer and serves to keep the customer from transferring excess information. On the off chance that, for instance, you ran a customer on your desktop PC and server, then moved down your desktop to the server you'd in the long run wind up transferring the same information twice from two separate machines which is both wasteful on your end and on their end. In the event that you need to proceed with your plan to bring together your reinforcements you'll need to utilize an alternate application to make the reinforcements on the focal server. 

That said, as you've realized there are no clear settings in the Crashplan customer at all that demonstrate you can associate with a remote Crashplan reinforcement motor. The settings are there, brain you, yet they're covered up in setup records and blocked off from the customer interface. We're not going to thump Crashplan here excessively for that as what we did and what you're proposing to do are a bit of an uncommon utilization situation and the vast majority won't normally be running the customer on a headless and/or remote machine. 


Keeping in mind the end goal to divert the Crashplan customer to another reinforcement motor, you'll have to hunt out document. This document is placed in C:\program Files\crashplan\conf\ on Windows machines. Hunt down a comparative \crashplan\conf organizer to find the record on other working frameworks. 

Open the document in a content manager. All the lines will be remarked out with a hashtag (#). Search for the line #servicehost. Expel the hashtag from the line and addition the IP location of your remote reinforcement machine after the = sign.
Spare the record and restart the Crashplan customer on your machine. It will now unite the reinforcement motor on the remote reinforcement machine (detailed by the IP address) rather than the reinforcement motor on the nearby machine. Should you wish to control the reinforcement motor on your nearby machine once more, just open the properties document and addition a hashtag toward the begin of the altered line to give back where its due to utilizing the neighborhood reinforcement motor rather than the remote reinforcement motor. 

In the event that you plan to join with and control the remote reinforcement motor from outside your home system, we'd suggest designing SSH and exchanging the administration port in the ui.propertiesfile to expand security; you can read how to do so in this Crashplan help article.
How Can I Control CrashPlan’s Backup App from Another Computer? Reviewed by Vijitashv on 12:22 pm Rating: 5

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