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How to Disable the Drop Shadows in Windows 10

The drop shadows on applications in the Windows 10 sneak peak are huge and suspiciously like the ones in OS X, and on the off chance that they aren't your rate, you can undoubtedly uproot them. We really think they look great, however since someone who might be listening won't like them, here is the manner by which to debilitate them. 

Open up Control Panel and head to System and Security and afterward System, and click the Advanced framework settings join.

Then again you can utilize the Start Menu and quest for "cutting edge framework settings" and click on that thing.
From here, go to the Advanced tab and click the Settings catch under Performance.
Find and uncheck "Show shadows under windows" and click Apply or OK.
The drop shadows will instantly be evacuated.

How to Disable the Drop Shadows in Windows 10 Reviewed by Vijitashv on 12:46 pm Rating: 5

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