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Not Getting Android OS Updates? Here’s How Google Is Updating Your Device Anyway

Not Getting Android OS Updates? Here’s How Google Is Updating Your Device Anyway

Android overhauls don't have any kind of effect wherever close as much as they used to. Most Android devices don't get favorable working system redesigns, however Google is overhauling a greater amount of the Android working structure far away. 


This is Google's veritable game plan for captivating Android break: Update however a great part of the working system and its applications as could sensibly be normal without encountering device creators or transporters. More prepared contraptions aren't as outdated as they used to be.

Android 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4 Are Minor Updates

Android redesigns were once incredibly key. Case in point, when Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich turned out, it brought a completely updated interface, execution changes, and even Apis confined to Android 4.0. Certain applications wouldn't run on contraptions without Android 4.0. Google Chrome obliged Android 4.0, so contraptions that were never updated from Android 2.3 Gingerbread still can't use Google Chrome today. The bounce to Android 4.0 was huge. Android 4.1was in like manner amazingly basic, making the interface significantly more smooth and less laggy with "Assignment Butter." 

Diverged from Android 4.0 and Android 4.1, the most recent variations of Android are minor updates. Android 4.4 is the best update, bringing through and through reduced memory use — nonetheless, on the off chance that you have a contraption that went with a late type of Android, it probably starting now runs well and these memory diminishments are simply good to have

Google Play Services Updates

Google is updating Android without truly redesiging the Android working system. Exactly when a creator needs to release an Android device, they have to organize a simultaneousness with Google to get the Google Play Store and Google applications on their devices. As a part of this assention, Google keeps up whatever power is expected to overhaul the Google Play Services portion of Android isolated. This section commonly overhauls beyond anyone's ability to see on your Android contraption, and there's no opportunity to get for you — or the device's maker — to keep this from happening. 

Google has been including all that much a few characteristics to Android through Google Play Services. These overhauls impact contraptions the separation again to Android 2.3 Gingerbread and 2.2 Froyo, released in 2010. 


For example, Google has incorporated the Android Device Manager contraption taking after idiosyncrasy to pretty much all Android devices as a result of a Google Play Services upgrade. Basically open the Google Settings application — this entire application was incorporated by method for a Play Services upgrade — tap Android Device Manager, and engage it. Google has moreover incorporated an application inspecting idiosyncrasy that breadths sideloaded applications for malware in case you choose to enable it, making more prepared contraptions more secure. These customer defying idiosyncrasies were added to the Android working structure by method for a Play Services update with no impedance from contraption makers or transporters. 

Google has moreover added new Apis for originators to use, including a more successful range API that essentially decreases battery use. The old method obliged every one distinctive application to stir GPS fittings and center your range all alone's. 

These are the kind of upgrades that would oblige a complete working structure update on diverse stages. Regardless, Google has made sense of how to perform an end-circumnavigated the bearers and creators backing off and release redesigns for about all Android contraptions. In case your device has the Play Store, Google is update


Authority Google Apps in Google Play 
Google has furthermore part more applications out of Android, releasing them as applications in the Play Store. This suggests that the application can be redesignd without redesigning the Android working structure, yet it similarly infers that you can present the application on old variations of Android. 

Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Keyboard, Hangouts, Chrome, Google Maps, Drive, Youtube, Keep, Google+, the Google look application — these are all applications that overhaul as often as possible from Google Play and can be presented on more settled devices. On Apple's ios, a move up to a structure application like Mail, Calendar, Messages, or Safari would oblige a completely new type of the ios working system. On Android, they're therefore upgrading for everyone. 


Android 4.4′s Google Experience Launcher has even been taken off to diverse devices through a move up to the Google Search application. You can without a lot of a stretch enable it by sideloading a bit of engaging impact application. The Google Experience Launcher may over the long haul be open for basic, official foundation on more settled device

What Will Still Require Operating System Updates 

Certain things still oblige working structure upgrades. Working structure level contrivances like various customer records, memory utilization declines, or support for new fittings models like Bluetooth 4.0 can't be taken off outside of anyone's ability to see. They oblige new types of the focal point working system. 

On the other hand, these overhauls are becoming less and less tremendous. Google is taking off whatever number new characteristics as could sensibly be normal by method for Play Services upgrades and application updates. They're part out more applications from the Android working structure, making them available in Google Play so every device can update to them. 


The fact of the matter is Android updates have wound up less and less discriminating. On the off chance that you have a device with Android 4.1 or 4.2, notwithstanding you have a to a great degree propelled Android association with most of the latest eccentricities. You can even now use all the latest applications because Google has accommodated you the latest Apis. It wouldn't fret the version numbers  — Android intermittence is
Not Getting Android OS Updates? Here’s How Google Is Updating Your Device Anyway Reviewed by Vijitashv on 9:49 am Rating: 5

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