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You can now preorder feature films on Google Play if you're in the US

You can now preorder feature films on Google Play if you're in the US

Starting today, those of us in the US can now preorder trick films from Google Play. This will provide for us an opportunity to spare certain hit movies before they are released to DVD or progressed download. This is all done through Google Play on your machine or Android. 

The method is illuminated subsequently: 


Take a gander at the rundown of open preorders underneath. 

Pick the title you need and click the preorder get. 

In case you are new to Google Play you will need to enter charge card purposes of investment, however your card won't be charged until the film is passed on. 

You will get an email receipt, and the preorder will be added to "My Movies." Clicking on your preordered film will take you to the latest data about it, including release date. 

On the day the film becomes available, you will get an email insisting your purchase and the transport of the movie to your library. 

By then its yours to have and appreciate! 

Thusly, titles like Guardians of the Galaxy, Lucy and Gone Girl are recorded for preorder, close by others to make for a total of 15 different motion pictures. See the complete rundown and all the inconspicuous components right here.

Source: +Google Play

You can now preorder feature films on Google Play if you're in the US Reviewed by Vijitashv on 4:17 pm Rating: 5

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