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Where is the Apps Key Located at on a Standard Microsoft-Oriented Keyboard?

Where is the Apps Key Located at on a Standard Microsoft-Oriented Keyboard?
Where is the Apps Key Located at on a Standard Microsoft-Oriented Keyboard?


Console alternate ways can extraordinarily disentangle our work process, yet what do you do when you are advised to utilize an easy route with a dark key that you are not by any means beyond any doubt is on your console? Today's SuperUser Q&A post has the response to help a disappointed peruser discover the key he is searching for.

Today's Question & Answer session comes to us graciousness of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a group driven gathering of Q&A sites.

The Question

SuperUser peruser Shaun Luttin needs to know where the Apps Key is spotted at on Microsoft-situated consoles:

ConEmu has an alternate route for renaming the current tab. It is Apps Key + R. I have never seen an Apps Key on any console. Where is it placed at?

Where is the Apps Key spotted at on Microsoft-situated consoles?


The Answer

Superuser contributor Ram-hound has the answer for us:

In registering, the Menu Key or Application Key is a key found on Microsoft Windows-arranged PC consoles, presented in the meantime as the Windows Logo Key. Its image is typically a little symbol portraying a pointer drifting over a menu and it is commonly found on the right half of the console between the right Windows Logo Key and the right Control Key (or between the privilege Alt Key and the right Control Key). While the Windows Logo Key is display on the dominant part of consoles planned for utilization with the Windows working framework, the Menu Key is every now and again precluded in light of a legitimate concern for space, especially on compact and smart phone consoles. 

The key's essential capacity is to dispatch a Context Menu with the console as opposed to with the normal Right-Mouse Button. It can be utilized when the Right-Mouse Button is not exhibit on a mouse. 

A few Windows open terminals don't have a Menu Key on their console so as to keep clients from right clicking; then again, in numerous Windows applications, a comparative usefulness can be conjured with the Shift + F10 console alternate route, or here and there Ctrl + Shift + F10. 


Some PCs a menu work on the Fn Key (normally worked by pressing Shift + Fn), nonetheless, this for the most part conjures capacities incorporated with the merchant's product and is not the same as the key portrayed previously. For instance, the Logitech Illuminated Keyboard has a Fn Key where the Menu Key is typically discovered, pressing it together with the Print Screen Key (above Home) creates the Menu Key capacity. 

Developers utilizing the Windows API can catch this key by searching for a WM_KEYDOWN message with wParam VK_APPS (characterized as 0x5D in winuser.h). It has the key code 117 (0x75).
Where is the Apps Key Located at on a Standard Microsoft-Oriented Keyboard? Reviewed by Vijitashv on 10:28 am Rating: 5

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