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How to Type Messages using Voice Dictation on Android

For the individuals who have huge fingers, writing messages with the default android console can be moderate and disturbing undertaking. The circumstance even deteriorates if your telephone has a little show. However in the event that you require a substitute and quicker technique for writing messages on your android telephone, you ought to make utilization of the Voice transcription emphasize that comes inherent with your android telephone. 

By and large the greater part of us are mindful of Android's content to discourse emphasize yet in terms of the Voice correspondence characteristic, it something not the majority of us are mindful about until you incidentally tap on the mic symbol on the default android console. 


The same thing happened with me and hence I found android's Voice transcription characteristic. The voice correspondence peculiarity is generally show on all android gadgets that run on Android 4.0 or later forms. On the off chance that you have to utilize the voice correspondence peculiarity, here's the way you can utilize it to sort messages with your voice on an android gadget.

How to Type Messages using Voice dictation on Android

  • Step 1: To utilize the voice transcription gimmick, open any application and raise the default android console by tapping on a content passage field. 

  • Step 2: Next tap on the mic symbol on the android console and begin talking after the beep to record your message.

How to Type Messages using Voice Dictation on Android

Step 3: When you are carried out talking, tap on the mic symbol again to stop it.
How to Type Messages using Voice Dictation on Android
Be that as it may you need to remember that the voice transcription characteristic won't embed the accentuation consequently and you will need to stand up the accentuation marks. 


The accompanying are a couple of voice correspondence charges for accentuation.
  • Period = period (.)
  • Comma = comma (,)
  • Question mark = question mark (?)
  • Exclamation or exclamation point = exclamation point (!)
  • Enter or new line = moves to a new line
  • New paragraph = new paragraph
Shockingly regardless of the fact that I have an Indian stress, the voice correspondence gimmick worked faultlessly with no blunder and it ought to work impeccably with any stress. 

Concerning limits, the voice transcription gimmick doesn't work without a web association and not one or the other it has any voice summons for altering messages, which you need to perform utilizing the console just. 


Be it short messages, notes or snappy messages, the Voice correspondence emphasize on android would doubtlessly server your requirements for sending messages quicker than some other conventional info routines.
How to Type Messages using Voice Dictation on Android Reviewed by Vijitashv on 12:00 am Rating: 5

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