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How to get silent mode on Galaxy Note 4, Note 3 and S4 with Lollipop

How to get silent mode on Galaxy Note 4, Note 3 and S4 with Lollipop

               How to get silent mode on Galaxy Note 4, Note 3 and S4 with Lollipop


As you without a doubt know, Google chose to uproot quiet mode in Android 5.0 Lollipop and supplant it with an idea called intrusions. The thought is that you situated need intrusions for sure times of day et cetera, which sounds decent, however now and then you truly simply need the effortlessness of great antiquated quiet. The Galaxy S5 has had quiet mode come back to it, yet the Galaxy Note 4 and Note 3 are as yet holding up. Here's the means by which to get noiseless mode on Android Lollipop for Galaxy gadgets.

Already when you held dropping the volume down it would inevitably go to vibrate just and after that quiet mode. Not any longer with Lollipop. Anyhow it is still conceivable to hush your Galaxy gadget with Lollipop, its simply somewhat less instinctive. I've tried this on the Galaxy Note 4 and Galaxy Note 3, yet it ought to likewise chip away at the Galaxy S4. I'll accept Sasung will in the long run fix these gadgets as they did the Galaxy S5 and bring quiet mode again as a straightforward switch activity. 

Note: This trap impairs all sounds and vibrations, including approaching calls and cautions, so on the off chance that you make utilization of it, make sure you're glad to conceivably rest in and miss work on the grounds that you didn't hear your caution or the big enchilada calling you.


How to get silent mode on Galaxy Note 4, Note 3 and S4 with Lollipop

           How to get silent mode on Galaxy Note 4, Note 3 and S4 with Lollipop


How to get silent mode on Galaxy devices with Lollipop

You need to raise your full Quick Settings menu for this. So either swipe down on the home screen with two fingers, or once to get to your warnings and after that tap the ""rundown"" catch on the upper right hand corner to raise all your Quick Settings flips. 

At the top you'll see the symbol for sound or vibrate. At the base you'll see a star symbol – this is the intrusions symbol. On the off chance that it isn't a star, it may be a circle with a flat dash in it and ""All"" composed underneath it. Tapping this burns through your intrusion setting

How to get silent mode on Galaxy Note 4, Note 3 and S4 with Lollipop
How to get silent mode on Galaxy Note 4, Note 3 and S4 with Lollipop

On the off chance that you tap the star symbol until it has the circle and line with ""None"" composed underneath it, you'll perceive that the sound/vibrate symbol at the top has now lost its shading. This implies that you will now have quiet mode with no vibrations either. 

On the off chance that you now go to Settings > Sounds and Interruptions you'll see that the image on the left of the Ringtone and System sliders are crossed out. Beforehand, these would have been crossed out yet with crisscross lines on either side, which implies that sounds are off yet vibration is dynamic. Presently you have no sounds a d no vibration.


How to get silent mode on Galaxy Note 4, Note 3 and S4 with Lollipop
How to get silent mode on Galaxy Note 4, Note 3 and S4 with Lollipop

Did you know how to get silent mode on Android Lollipop? Are you enjoying silence on your Galaxy again?


How to get silent mode on Galaxy Note 4, Note 3 and S4 with Lollipop Reviewed by Vijitashv on 9:14 pm Rating: 5

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