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Get the Ubuntu Touch Lockscreen and Look on your Android Phone


The Ubuntu touch is enthusiastically anticipated by the world at this time , There are still a couple of more months to hold up till the Ubuntu touch dispatches in the business sector  , But you don't need to hold up till the Ubuntu Touch dispatches to experience its looks on yourandroid telephone . 

XDA Senior Member Rotary Heart  has made an extraordinary showing on creating a Home Screen that copies the Ubuntu touch's interface and conveys the careful look and feel less a couple of less essential points of interest , yet general it brings a comparative interface of the Ubuntu Touch's interface to your Android gadget . The Ubuntu lock screen has figured out how to hold the key and remarkable subtle elements and components of the Ubuntu Touch . Most strikingly of which are easy street and date , the warning range and the turning circle and most imperative the maroon and pinkish colored topic.

The lock screen permits a considerable measure of customization alternatives for android telephones . It permits you to characterize in the amount of time the Lock screen turns on after your screen goes off and the lock screen has an entire group of Animation settings, for example, Circle revolution and shade . Further there is SMS and missed call update , media controls which can be initiated by simply tapping on the home screen , which raises the music player . For security , A watchword of seven characters can be set which will be provoked while you swipe over the lock screen . 

The lock screen is truly closer to the looks and capacities of the Ubuntu touch . However The launcher is currently in beta stage which may contain a couple of bugs yet it , yet the designer is truly receptive to all the issues so far . On the off chance that you experience a few bugs head over to the XDA gathering for the Lock Screen application string for more data and backing. 

I discovered a bug , The Lock screen doesn't react to swipes by littler fingers , utilize your thumbs and swipe over the privilege to left to open the lock screen . 

You can download the Ubuntu Touch lock screen for your Android telephone from the connection underneath .
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Get the Ubuntu Touch Lockscreen and Look on your Android Phone Reviewed by Vijitashv on 12:28 pm Rating: 5

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