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What is Domain Name System ( DNS ) and how does DNS works ?

We skim a great deal of sites daily on the web , yet do you know how does our PCs unite with these sites ? So as to know how our PCs join with these sites we need to recognize what is DNS first .

What is DNS ?

DNS or Domain Name System is like a Phone catalog . DNS is fundamentally a huge database of sites locations and their relating IP Addresses . For us, we know a site by its URL address . Anyway if there should arise an occurrence of PCs they perceive a site by its IP address . So at whatever point you attempt to open a site on your PC , our PCs take the assistance of DNS servers to discover the sites extraordinary IP delivers and associate with the sites . Yes for some situation a site may have different IP addresses .


How does DNS work ?

To see how a DNS server functions , Let us take as an illustration . For our PCs is much the same as an individual's name yet on the web Google is spoken to by an IP address , Which is . So , for your PC to interface with it needs to first figure out Google's ip address . This is the place DNS comes into utilization . At whatever point you enter a site's location in a web program , your PC associate with its present DNS servers and searches for the IP location connected with the site's URL . Its is then your PC unites with the site and showcases it content .


How are DNS servers useful ?

Aside from the above undertaking of partner sites with their IP addresses . DNS has a great deal of different uses excessively . here are a portion of the critical employments of DNS .
  1. If your ISP provides a very slow internet service , you can use third party DNS servers and improve the loading speed of websites on your computer .
  2. Using free DNS servers like OpenDNS , parents can block objectionable websites on a computer .
  3. Third party DNS servers are used to avail additional security features like phishing and spam protection
  4. DNS servers can be used to access country specific censored and blocked websites or bypass restrictions .
While there are a ton of others employments of DNS , the above were the absolute most critical ones . OpenDNS and Google's open DNS are the absolute most utilized outsider DNS administration suppliers . While the default DNS server locations gave by your ISP are constantly prescribed yet in the event that you are having issues with your ISP's DNS servers then you can simply change to outsider DNS administration like OpenDNS or Google's open DNS .
What is Domain Name System ( DNS ) and how does DNS works ? Reviewed by Vijitashv on 11:33 am Rating: 5

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